So here is my precious little moma. She has been a perfect angel. I really must boast cause there is no better dog then her! :) So, the boys have started school and it is great! So much easier to pack two children and go instead of six! They have been getting up and dressed way before I get up, I think maybe I will start sleeping later. Now that we live closer to their new school, we have been walking. Good for me, considering in my mommy group we have started a weight loss contest. Being that only 1/4 of our moms are skinny (yeah talking about you B) :)
So, my husband was off these past two days and..........well sometimes I wonder why? Yesterday was supposed to be my relaxing day and all I like to do is play my sims. Yesterday I ended up doing 7 loads of laundry, cooking dinner, then cleaning up. Then he had the nerve to tell me I had just been sitting at the computer all day! Yeah...........OK! He was the one that sat on the couch playing his playstation football from sun up to sund down. OK, so I had to get that off my chest. I wonder if all husbands are really that clueless! :)