Sunday, August 26, 2007

Little Lynsey

Well duh as you all know my poor little buck has been dead for about 2 months now! I felt it was time to adopt a new baby. I tried craigslist several times but to no avail.......... Then I came upon an add for a jack russell /rat terrier mix. I contacted the lady and we corresponded on and off for about a week. Friday the lady asked if I would like to "test drive" the dog to see how she fits in my family. Well of course I did! She delivered the dog on saturday and I immediately fell in love. She is an adult dog that is house trained and obedient! Everything you wish your kids came out like. She spent the night and I got a call from her mom informing me another couple was interested in her. Well sunday morning came and I sadly packed all her belongings. I started to break down and cry in front of my husband about how much I hated this lady for taking my perfect dog from me! Well she came and before I could tell her she was making a big mistake..........she informed me she knew I had fallen in love with lynsey and she had picked me to be her new mom. I LOVE my dog. She follows me everywhere, she barks at the kids if they sneak out of bed, or if someone knocks at the door. She is on a schedule and lets you know when she is ready to go potty. I don't think you could hand train a better dog.


Kelly said...

Oh cute! She sounds so need to post a picture! :)

Kelly said...

btw..I added yur blog to stuff I like.. :)

Kelly said...

I wanted to make my blog private again,(don't want certain people to read) so send me your email and I will invite you! Cheers

Rantings by a Middle Aged Drama Queen said...
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